Chapter 8 The challenges of working with real-world data

This chapter considers some of the issues that will arise when dealing with ‘real data’. Data will commonly have missing values and may be measured with error. This error might be random or may be due to systematic patterns in how it was collected. From this chapter, the reader will have gained an understanding of the following topics:

  • Classification of missing values into missing at random or not at random.
  • Methods for imputing missing values.
  • Various measurement models including classical and Berkson.
  • The attenuation of regression coefficients under measurement error.
  • Preferential sampling, where the process that determines the locations of monitoring sites and the process being modelled are in some ways dependent.
  • How preferential sampling can bias the measurements that arise from environmental monitoring networks

Solutions to Selected Exercises

PLACEHOLDER: Repeat the Black Smoke analysis conducted in Watson et al. 2019. in the “naive” model.

If INLA is not already installed, it needs to be done manually (

  repos = c(getOption("repos"), INLA = ""),
  dep = TRUE

After INLA is installed load all the necessary packages.

## Loading required package: Matrix
## Attaching package: 'Matrix'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:tidyr':
##     expand, pack, unpack
## Loading required package: foreach
## Attaching package: 'foreach'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:purrr':
##     accumulate, when
## Loading required package: parallel
## This is INLA_22.12.16 built 2022-12-23 13:24:10 UTC.
##  - See for how to get help.
## Attaching package: 'boot'
## The following object is masked from 'package:nimble':
##     logit
## Attaching package: 'reshape2'
## The following object is masked from 'package:tidyr':
##     smiths

This example uses the BlackSmokePrefData.csv file.

BlackSmokePrefData <- read.csv("data/black_smoke/BlackSmokePrefData.csv")

##           site   east  north AMEAN66 AMEAN67 AMEAN68 AMEAN69 AMEAN70 AMEAN71
## 1 ADDLESTONE 1 505200 164600      92     103      68      47      47      45
## 2   BARNSLEY 8 434800 409400      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
## 3   BARNSLEY 9 437000 405500      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
## 4    BOLTON 24 371500 409200     132     108      75      77      78      74
## 5   BRADFORD 6 416300 432900     202     151     122     110      90     118
## 6   CARDIFF 12 319300 177300      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
## 1      52      41      36      31      33      24      20      17      11
## 2      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
## 3      NA      NA      NA      NA      23      18      19      19      12
## 4     149     137      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
## 5     172     191      74      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
## 6      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      24      19      12
## 1      15       9       8      15      12      10      13       7       9
## 2      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
## 3      19      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
## 4      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
## 5      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
## 6      10      11      16      19      18      14      11       9      11
## 1      11       6      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
## 2      NA      13       6      11       6       6       5
## 3      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
## 4      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
## 5      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA      NA
## 6      12      12       9      11       9      19      11
## standardize location coordinates
sd_x <- sd(BlackSmokePrefData[, c(2)])
sd_y <- sd(BlackSmokePrefData[, c(3)])

BlackSmokePrefData[, 2] <- BlackSmokePrefData[, 2] / sd_x
BlackSmokePrefData[, 3] <- BlackSmokePrefData[, 3] / sd_y 

We need to reshape the data to have one observation per row, as required by INLA.

yearmeans = colMeans(BlackSmokePrefData[, -c(1, 2, 3)], na.rm = T)  ## save means for each year

BlackSmokePrefData <-
    id.vars = c(1, 2, 3), = 'year', = 'bsmoke'
BlackSmokePrefData$year = as.numeric(as.character(factor(BlackSmokePrefData$year, labels =
## standardize by mean of mean of each year to make it unitless
BlackSmokePrefData$bsmoke = BlackSmokePrefData$bsmoke / mean(yearmeans)
## log-transform to eliminate right skew
BlackSmokePrefData$bsmoke = log(BlackSmokePrefData$bsmoke)

Producing the 2-d mesh of the UK:

no_sites = as.numeric(length(unique(BlackSmokePrefData$site))) # number of sites
no_T = as.numeric(length(unique(BlackSmokePrefData$year))) # number of years

ncol = 100 # grid for projection
nrow = 100
L = nrow * ncol # number of grid sites

# Form the regular mesh #
# Create a rough convex boundary for the UK #
# Form the grid independently from the sites to avoid preferential grid selection #
UK_domain = cbind(c(2, 7.7, 7.7, 6, 4, 1), c(0.5, 0.5, 6, 13.5, 13.5, 12))
hull = inla.nonconvex.hull(cbind(BlackSmokePrefData$east, BlackSmokePrefData$north))

cutoff_dist = 16000 / sd_x # 16km as min edge
max.edge = 100000 / sd_x # 100km max edge as in Shaddick and Zidek


mesh = inla.mesh.2d(
  loc = cbind(BlackSmokePrefData$east, BlackSmokePrefData$north),
  boundary = hull,
  offset = c(0.1, 0.2),
  max.edge = c(cutoff_dist, 0.5),
  #cutoff = c(cutoff_dist, 1),
  min.angle = 26

points(BlackSmokePrefData$east, BlackSmokePrefData$north, col = "red")

Now we define and fit our INLA model.

spde_obj = inla.spde2.pcmatern(
  mesh = mesh,
  alpha = 2,
  prior.range = c(0.04, 0.05),
  prior.sigma = c(1, 0.01),
  constr = T
A_proj = inla.spde.make.A(
  mesh = mesh,
  loc = as.matrix(cbind(
    BlackSmokePrefData$east, BlackSmokePrefData$north
  group = BlackSmokePrefData$year - 65,
  # group membership needs to be 1:no_T = no_T

s_index = inla.spde.make.index(name = "spatial.field",
                               n.spde = spde_obj$n.spde,
                      = no_T)
time = (1:no_T) / no_T
time2 = time ^ 2

# create the stack object for estimating observation process y #

cov_y = data.frame(
  year = rep(time, each = no_sites),
  year_2 = rep(time2, each = no_sites),
  spatial_ind = rep(1:no_sites, times = no_T),
  spatial_ind2 = no_sites + rep(1:no_sites, times = no_T)
) # site-specific random intercepts

# Needs copies to include covariate twice

s_index_copy = s_index
names(s_index_copy) = c('spatial.field.copy',

s_index_copy2 = s_index
names(s_index_copy2) = c('spatial.field.copy2',

stack_y_est = inla.stack(
  data = list(
    y = BlackSmokePrefData$bsmoke,
    #single model
    alldata = cbind(BlackSmokePrefData$bsmoke, NA, NA),
    Ntrials = rep(0, times = length(BlackSmokePrefData$bsmoke))
  #joint model
  A = list(A_proj, A_proj, A_proj, 1),
  effects = list(
    c(s_index, list(Intercept = 1)),
    c(s_index_copy, list(Intercept_copy = 1)),
    c(s_index_copy2, list(Intercept_copy2 = 1)),
  tag = 'y_est'

formula_naive = y ~ -1 + Intercept +
  f(spatial.field, model = spde_obj) +
  f(spatial.field.copy, I( / no_T), model = spde_obj) +
  f(spatial.field.copy2, I(( / no_T) ^ 2), model = spde_obj) +
  I( / no_T) + I(( / no_T) ^ 2) +
  f(year, model = 'ar1') +
    model = "iid2d",
    n = no_sites * 2,
    constr = TRUE) + #random site-specific intercepts
  f(spatial_ind2, year, copy = "spatial_ind")

theta.ini = c(
  0.036510,-1.441336, 0.016919, 4.462918,
  1.437147, 4, 4, 4)
out.naive = inla(
  family = 'gaussian',
  data =,
  control.predictor = list(A = inla.stack.A(stack_y_est), compute = F),
  control.compute = list(dic = F, config = T, cpo = F),
  control.inla = list(strategy = "gaussian", int.strategy = 'eb'),
  control.mode = list(theta = theta.ini, restart = T),
  verbose = T,
  num.threads = 2

We can now take posteriors from the model.

m_samples = 50

samp <- inla.posterior.sample(m_samples, out.naive)

for (i in 1:m_samples)
  samp[[i]]$latent = samp[[i]]$latent[-c(grep('Predictor', rownames(samp[[i]]$latent), fixed = T)),]

Finally, summarize and plot the outputs:

stepsize = 5000 / sd_x
nxy = round(c(diff(range(
))) / stepsize)  ## how many points?
proj_grid = inla.mesh.projector(
  xlim = range(BlackSmokePrefData$east),
  ylim = range(BlackSmokePrefData$north),
  dims = nxy
A.grid = inla.spde.make.A(mesh,
                          loc = cbind(BlackSmokePrefData$east, BlackSmokePrefData$north))
## define placeholders

tmp2 = matrix(0, nrow = no_T, ncol = mesh$n)
year = (1:no_T) / no_T
year2 = year ^ 2
Post_Array2 = array(0, dim = c(m_samples, no_T, mesh$n))
Post_Sites_Array2 = array(0, dim = c(m_samples, no_T, dim(BlackSmokePrefData)[1]))
residuals_array = array(0, dim = c(m_samples, no_T, dim(BlackSmokePrefData)[1]))
RI_array = array(0, dim = c(m_samples, no_T, dim(BlackSmokePrefData)[1])) # random intercepts
RS_array = array(0, dim = c(m_samples, no_T, dim(BlackSmokePrefData)[1])) # random slopes

for (i in 1:m_samples) {
  # Creating predictions for Y process
  for (j in 1:no_T)
    # loop over the years
    Post_Array2[i, j,] <- samp[[i]]$latent['Intercept:1'] + # Intercept
      samp[[i]]$latent[which(base::startsWith(prefix = 'year:', 
                                        x = names(samp[[i]]$latent)))][j] * year[j] + # linear fixed effect
      #samp[[i]]$latent['year_2'] * year2[j] + # quadratic fixed effect
      as.numeric(samp[[i]]$latent[which(base::startsWith(prefix = 'spatial.field:', x = names(samp[[i]]$latent)))]) + # Spatial Intercept
      as.numeric(samp[[i]]$latent[base::which(startsWith(prefix = 'spatial.field.copy:', x = names(samp[[i]]$latent)))]) * year[j] + # Spatial linear slope
      as.numeric(samp[[i]]$latent[which(base::startsWith(prefix = 'spatial.field.copy2:', x = names(samp[[i]]$latent)))]) * year2[j]  # Spatial quadratic slope
    # Project onto the site locations and add random site-specific effects #
    Post_Sites_Array2[i, j,] = as.numeric(A.grid %*% Post_Array2[i, j,]) +
      as.numeric(samp[[i]]$latent[which(base::startsWith(prefix = 'spatial_ind:', x = names(samp[[i]]$latent)))[1:no_sites]]) + # random Intercept
      as.numeric(samp[[i]]$latent[which(base::startsWith(prefix = 'spatial_ind2:', x = names(samp[[i]]$latent)))[no_sites +
                                                                                                             (1:no_sites)]]) * year[j] # random slope
    # Extract the random intercepts #
    RI_array[i, j,] = as.numeric(samp[[i]]$latent[which(base::startsWith(prefix = 'spatial_ind:', x = names(samp[[i]]$latent)))[1:no_sites]])
    # Extract the random slopes #
    RS_array[i, j,] = as.numeric(samp[[i]]$latent[which(base::startsWith(prefix = 'spatial_ind2:', x = names(samp[[i]]$latent)))[no_sites +
## summarizing

Post_mean2 <-
  t(apply(Post_Array2, c(2, 3), function(x) {
    mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
Post_sd2 <-
  t(apply(Post_Array2, c(2, 3), function(x) {
    sd(x, na.rm = TRUE)
Post_LCL2 <-
  apply((apply(Post_Array2, c(1, 2), function(x) {
    mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  })), 2, quantile, probs = c(0.025))
Post_UCL2 <-
  apply((apply(Post_Array2, c(1, 2), function(x) {
    mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
  })), 2, quantile, probs = c(0.975))
RI_array <-
  t(apply(RI_array, c(2, 3), function(x) {
    mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
RS_array <-
  t(apply(RS_array, c(2, 3), function(x) {
    mean(x, na.rm = TRUE)
## placeholders for uniform grid posterior blacksmoke values (not necessarily in dataset)

post_Matrix_grid_mean2 = array(NA, dim = c(nxy[1], nxy[2], no_T))
post_Matrix_grid_sd2 = array(NA, dim = c(nxy[1], nxy[2], no_T))
for (i in 1:no_T)
  post_Matrix_grid_mean2[, , i] = inla.mesh.project(proj_grid, Post_mean2[, i])
  post_Matrix_grid_sd2[, , i] = inla.mesh.project(proj_grid, Post_sd2[, i])

## placeholders for observed (R1 = active, R0 = inactive) site blacksmoke values

R1_results2 = matrix(NA, nrow = no_T, ncol = 4) # prediction means, sd, LCL, UCL
colnames(R1_results2) = c('prediction mean', 'prediction sd', 'LCL', 'UCL')
R0_results2 = matrix(NA, nrow = no_T, ncol = 4) # prediction means, sd, LCL, UCL
colnames(R0_results2) = c('prediction mean', 'prediction sd', 'LCL', 'UCL')
Grid_results2 = matrix(NA, nrow = no_T, ncol = 4) # prediction means, sd, LCL, UCL
colnames(Grid_results2) = c('prediction mean', 'prediction sd', 'LCL', 'UCL')

BlackSmokePrefData_original <-
  read.csv("data/black_smoke/BlackSmokePrefData.csv") ## need original columns here

for (j in 1:no_T)
  R1_results2[j, 1] = mean(Post_Sites_Array2[, j, which(![, 3 +
                                                                                             j]))], na.rm = T)
  R1_results2[j, 2] = sd(apply(Post_Sites_Array2[, j, which(![, 3 +
                                                                                                 j]))], c(1), mean, na.rm = T))
  R1_results2[j, 3] = quantile(apply(Post_Sites_Array2[, j, which(![, 3 +
                                                                                                       j]))], 1, mean, na.rm = T), probs = 0.025)
  R1_results2[j, 4] = quantile(apply(Post_Sites_Array2[, j, which(![, 3 +
                                                                                                       j]))], 1, mean, na.rm = T), probs = 0.975)
  R0_results2[j, 1] = mean(Post_Sites_Array2[, j, which([, 3 +
                                                                                            j]))], na.rm = T)
  R0_results2[j, 2] = sd(apply(Post_Sites_Array2[, j, which([, 3 +
                                                                                                j]))], c(1), mean, na.rm = T))
  R0_results2[j, 3] = quantile(apply(Post_Sites_Array2[, j, which([, 3 +
                                                                                                      j]))], 1, mean, na.rm = T), probs = 0.025)
  R0_results2[j, 4] = quantile(apply(Post_Sites_Array2[, j, which([, 3 +
                                                                                                      j]))], 1, mean, na.rm = T), probs = 0.975)

for (i in 1:no_T)
  Grid_results2[i, 1] = mean(post_Matrix_grid_mean2[, , i], na.rm = T)
  Grid_results2[i, 2] = mean(post_Matrix_grid_sd2[, , i], na.rm = T)
Grid_results2[, 3] = Post_LCL2
Grid_results2[, 4] = Post_UCL2

## Revert to the original scale (exponentiating and scaling up)
Grid_df_2 = data.frame(
  y = exp(c(
    Grid_results2[, 1], R1_results2[, 1], R0_results2[, 1]
  )) * mean(yearmeans),
  x = rep(66:96, times = 3),
  ymin = exp(c(Post_LCL2, R1_results2[, 3], R0_results2[, 3])) *
  ymax = exp(c(Post_UCL2, R1_results2[, 4], R0_results2[, 4])) *
  group = c(
    rep('Whole UK', times = 31),
    rep('R1', times = 31),
    rep('R0', times = 31)
## plotting

Grid_plot_2 = ggplot(aes(
  x = x,
  y = y,
  ymin = ymin,
  ymax = ymax,
  alpha = 0.05
), data = Grid_df_2) +
    colour = group,
    alpha = 0.05,
    fill = group
  )) +
  xlab('year') + ylab('posterior mean bs on transformed scale') +
    'Naive posterior means of BS at the selected, unselected sites and across the UK (R1, R0 and Whole UK resp.). '
  ) + theme_classic()